YouTube Youniverse: Knowledge Series 101-CrashCourse

Let me tell you how this journey began.

It was the mid of 2013 when my laptop decided to dump me unceremoniously. “It’s not you, it’s me” it said, and I was like, “Whatever!”-cause that’s how I deal with break-ups….true story!

In that era of technology, Facebook on mobile was quite irritating- not nearly as much fun as indulging in pointless happenings of EVERYONE you know on a standard laptop screen.

There were other highly sentimental reasons for being disillusioned by Facebook, long story short, I quit Facebook. This landmark incident marked a paradigm shift in my internet consumption-all my Facebook time became YouTube time. To this day I keep thanking this turn of events- YouTube was the real deal and perhaps the one thing about Google that I haven’t yet become suspicious about.

My explorations on YouTube have enhanced the quality of my life. I truly believe that YouTube can bring about a knowledge revolution- a nation of YouTubers will be much more glorious than a nation of Facebookers.

Unless of course, YouTube for you means cat videos, baby videos, vines and that kind of pointless everyday stuff (Yes, I have indulged in these guilty pleasures a few times and no they’re not good for you).

Now that I have vilified that Facebook to my satisfaction ( Don’t take it personally Facebook, it’s not you it’s me), let’s begin our journey through Youtube.

The first channel that I would recommend is CrashCourse.


1) It unravels the layers of meaning hidden in history-with wit, humour and charm! Oh and how about the seriously kick-ass work by Thought Bubble

2) It is a big beautiful world to get lost into-psychology, astronomy, economics, history and many other fields, which are explored vividly and emphatically in high intensity dosage videos. Don’t worry, we have selected a good starting point for you- Big History

In which John Green, Hank Green, and Emily Graslie teach you about, well, everything.

Here’s the link to the playlist (this is something worth binge watching):

3) Isn’t this how discussions around modern issues should be structured

4) Right when you thought that you might run out of videos, the vlogbrothers (Hank Greene and John Greene) got your back! Here are some of the other channels that you should watch well, that’s what I do):

The proof

Stay tuned for more Youtube awesomeness!




About Madhur Oza

Aspiring artist. MBA. Erstwhile corporate cavalry. Live to eat. Nerd. Suburban Mumbaikar (pseudo Mumbaikar technically). After having been conditioned by society, it's time to be conditioned by the soul...

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  1. Hey there
    Nice article
    Loved the intro story
    I think it would be fun if you would do video reviews of these kinda stuff.

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