Monthly Archives: December 2015

December, 2015

  • 12 December

    Can we be free of the illusion of time?

    Is time nothing more than an illusion? Can we free ourselves from the constraints of this illusion?                                                                   …

  • 11 December

    What would happen if you isolated yourself from other humans?

    What would happen if we stopped interacting with our fellow human beings? What would the cost of social isolation be?                                                              …

  • 10 December

    How important is language? What would happen if we did not have language?

    What would life be like if we did not have language as a tool to communicate with each other? How would we be able to understand each other without this tool?                                       …

  • 9 December

    What is Personality? What are the different types of Personalities?

    What is the concept of personality and what does it embody? What are the different types of personalities?                                                                 …

  • 8 December

    What would happen if we stopped sleeping?

    What would happen if you stopped sleeping right now? How would this affect you?                                                                         …

  • 7 December

    Where did music theory originate from?

    Where did music theory originate from? How intricately is music linked with nature?                                                                            …

  • 6 December

    Can we tune into the frequency at which Earth vibrates?

    At what frequency does the Earth vibrate? Can we somehow tune into this frequency and be one with the vibrational frequency of the Earth?                                                     …

  • 5 December

    How big a role do dreams play in our lives?

    How important a role do dreams play in our lives? Are we inherently dependent on them for some crucial aspects of our lives?                                                       …

  • 4 December

    Does free will exist?

    What is freedom? Is there any way we can know what true freedom, beyond the bounds of judgments and perceptions is?                                                            …

  • 3 December

    What is the easiest way to know if we are conscious in everyday reality?

    How unconscious are we in everyday reality? How can we become aware of our inherent unconsciousness?                                                                     …